Three New Tags

< option> Selecting an Option < /option>

The options tags allows you to pick a option in a drop down list. Every choice is surrounded by < option> < /option>. While around that is surrounded by < select> < /select>. As you will see below.

Favorite Car Brand

The code I used to do this was:

< label for="cars">Favorite car:< /label>
< select id="cars">
< option value="volvo">Volvo< /option>
< option value="Ford">Ford< /option>
< option value="Toyota">Toyota< /option>
< option value="audi">Audi< /option>
< /select>
I found this tag at W3Schools

< button> Making a button < /button>

This tag is straight forward. You use < button> < /button> to create it. The example below takes you to the website where I learned about it in another tab.

A button

The code I used to do this was:

< button type="button" onclick="'', '_blank')"> The Button!< /button>

I found this tag at geeksforgeeks

< progress> A Progress Bar < /progress>

This tag creates a progress bar. Use < progress> < /progress> and put the max and value inside it. An example is below.

The bar


The code I used for this was:

< progress id="project" max="100" value="80"> 80% < /progress>

I found this tag at mozilla